Below is a compilation of websites we thought would be of interest to filmmakers and funders as they build relationships. Did we miss any? Give us your suggestions in the box at the right.
Center for Social Media – Funding
Discussion of approaches to the struggle to fund social documentary, and links to helpful resources.
CPB Grants Terms and Conditions – Standard agreements for Corporation for Public Broadcasting projects
An online community for documentary filmmakers who share information, leads, ideas, and a commitment to support each other’s growth as nonfiction filmmakers.
The Future of Documentary Funding and Distribution
The Paley Center for Media
In a series of national forums, The Paley Center and ITVS convened gatherings to highlight new opportunities in the digital marketplace, and discuss the challenges around rights and revenue encountered in this new frontier.
Grantmakers in Film and Electronic Media (GFEM)
Grantmakers in Film + Electronic Media (GFEM) is an association of grantmakers committed to advancing the field of media arts and public interest media funding.
The GFEM Media Database
The GFEM Media Database serves as a hub where funders of all kinds can find a rich array of media-related projects that fit their funding priorities.
PBS Red Book
Delivery guidelines and notes for producers on PBS programming
Resist Media Funders list
A list of media funders and resources, including mainstream and progressive foundations.
Share Your Perspective
Tell us about your own thoughts and experiences in dealing with the issues raised in the Prenups.
The Prenups are a work-in-progress and need your input! Did we miss an important question? Did you have a great collaboration you want to tell us about? Or do you believe that all independent films need heat-proof editorial firewalls to protect the filmmaker?
Let us know—we may ask your permission to publish your perspectives, either attributed or anonymously. (You decide.)